Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Suite earnings reach payout

I just checked my Suite 1o1 earnings, and to my delight have discovered that I've reached payout for the month. With the carryover from last month, my earnings to date are $10.20 for 11 articles! This really gives me an incentive to continue writing for Suite as much as possible.

And since I've reached payout for eHow this month as well, it looks like it's going to be a rather lucrative month (well, for me anyway!).

How are your writing goals going for the month? Have you reaching a certain amount of articles or pay yet? What are you doing to stay motivated as fall approaches?

Monday, September 21, 2009

September eHow Earnings Exceed Payout

September is officially the first month my articles have earned over $10 on eHow. And with more than a week and a half to go, a lot of additional earning potential still exists. I am so excited! With the carryover from last month, I will be getting my biggest passive income revenue to date. Let's keep our fingers crossed that those 10 dollars will keep on multiplying ;-).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Demand Studios Frusteration

I've been writing for DS since the middle of July. Up until now, I've had little complaints in regards to writing for this company. Writing for DS has provided me with quite a bit of extra cash we desperately seem to need. But these past few weeks the cash flow has been next to nothing.

In September, I have written 9 articles for DS. 7 of those were sent back for a rewrite. I choose not to rewrite 3 of them, had another 3 approved after the rewrite and also my very first rejection.

All of this has made me quite frusterated with the CE's there. I had to send in an appeal for the rejection since it was unfounded. The other rewrites were nitpicky. After lurking on the forums, I've discovered other writers have been having this problem as well. Where they previsously would have gotten the majority of articles approved from the get-go, they are now being onslaughted with a huge amount of rewrites.

Has anyone else been having this problem? Does DS typically go through periods like this where articles are heavily sent back for rewrites, followed by more calmer, normal periods? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

DS is still my primary source of income, but it's starting to become my primary source of frusteration as well.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

August Earnings Update

Another month come and gone! I was able to write much more this month than any other, meaning my earnings shot up. Here's a snapshot of what I earned on each site (note: eHow has not updated for the last day of august yet; I cannot provide exact earnings with Suite 101)

eHow: $8.95 (35 articles)
Suite 101: around $4.50 (5 articles)
Examiner: $8.52 (21 articles, yet to meet payout, total earnings: $19.48)
Demand Studios: $345 (23 articles)

Adsense: $3.08

Private Clients: $55 (blogs, magazines)

Total: about $424.88

I expected my eHow earnings to increase more than they did. I added 12 eHow articles for the month of August, yet my earnings only increased by pennies. Needless to say, I was disappointed to discover that I missed payout (unless, I ended up making $1.05 on August 31st, which is unlikely).

Suite 101's earnings pleasantly surprised me. With one seventh the amount of eHow articles, I earned roughly 50% of what I made on eHow for Suite 101. This is encouraging and prompting me to write more for Suite 101 during the month of September.

Examiner's earnings were less than July, which was expected. I have decided to write a few more newsy articles during September in order to reach the $25 payout and then discontinue writing for them. My articles recieve only a handful of views on average, and it is simply not worth my time to write for mere pennies.

My adsense earnings were nice. Although I am years away from payout ($100), it was interesting to see the earnings double from last month. My niche blogs are slowly but surely improving! Next month I plan on putting more emphasis on those blogs in effort to gain better SEO ranking and more adsense earnings.

I had planned to write more for Demand Studios last month, but certain brief health issues prevented me from writing the last couple weeks of August. Most of those earnings are from the first two weeks. In September, I will be devoting more of my time to working on my own sites, Suite 101 and eHow, although I still plan on bringing in around $200-300 with DS.

My private client earnings stem from sponsored blog posts and an article I had published in a print magazine.

My next post will discuss September writing goals.

How did August fare for your writing?


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