Friday, December 4, 2009

Tips on Staying a Productive Writer

I'd like to think that I'm back on the productivity boat again- the past few days have been a writing freenzy, and I've already exceeded my output from November. The beginning of the month leaves a lot of room for a lot of work to get done, but unless I am adament at it, it could easily get thrown to the wayside. I know a lot of writers struggle with getting enough work put in, and so I've come up with a list of tips to help keep you motivated to write and how you can become a more prolific writer.
  1. Set goals and really mean them. I know that I've set goals in the past, only to half-heartedly attempt to acheive them. Intent is the issue here- so set goals you can reasonably see yourself fulfilling.
  2. Chuck your writing time into blocks. Don't have an hour? Set a timer for fifteen minutes and write non-stop until it goes off. Do this 3 or 4 times throughout the day and before you know it, you have written for an hour.
  3. Keep ideas handy. There are times where a wave of ideas for articles hit me, and I make sure to write them down. Theses lists have helped me countless of times when I just want to write instead of brainstorm.
  4. Write often. It's true that the more practice you have, the easier it gets. I find when I am writing everyday that it is much easier and much quicker to churn out articles than it is when I am not writing often.

For more tips on the writing life, check out my eHow articles:

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