Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Review of Writer Gig's E-Book on Writing for eHow.com

When I first started writing for eHow.com, I can across Writer Gig (Maria)’s eBook, How to Earn Passive Income at eHow.com: Residual Income for Web Content Writers. I was intrigued and wanted to buy the book. Maria currently makes over $1500 a month from her eHow articles alone. She clearly has succeeded as a writer there and knows what she is talking about. I put off buying the book, however, thinking I could figure things out on my own. Recently, I caved in and bought the book with my monthly residual income. My only regret is not buying it sooner.

Maria’s eBook includes step by step instructions on how to effectively optimize eHow articles for maximum earnings. She includes screen shots of her monthly income as proof as well as resources and links to online tools that will help you in the research and writing process. She also has keyword and SEO tips which both beginners and veteran web writers can benefit from.

After reading her eBook, I am excited to begin implementing her techniques to help maximize and greatly enhance my eHow earnings. I highly recommend it to anyone who writes for eHow, as it is a timeless resource that will help you succeed in your writing efforts there. The price is totally worth is, especially since your monthly earnings will increase quite a bit with her technique.

Maria also has a money back guarantee. She states, “Your satisfaction is guaranteed. With dozens and dozens of customers, I have never had a single request for a refund! If you try my method for 30 days and don't see results, I'll refund your purchase! You have nothing to lose.”

***UPDATE: Due to the recent eHow rule banning all affiliate links in articles, Writer Gig will be updating her eBook with new information. When the new version is available, those who have purchased her eBook will receive the updated eBook at no cost to them.***


  1. Hi Rachel,
    Just curious where you read about ehow banning affiliate links--I assume you're talking about the resources links, right? Can you provide a link from their site that states this new rule? I must have missed it. My ehow outlook is getting gloomier day be day. (depressing sigh)

  2. BestMommy,

    Sure! I read about this in some writer's forums, and it was clarifyed by Rich in the eHow community forum when he posted the new writing guidelines. I quote...

    "Affiliate Links - We haven’t had an official rule that forbids affiliate links in the past, but we are officially adding this to our Publishing Guidelines. The reason is because we want to provide our readers with an unbiased experience when they come across our content, and affiliate links undermines that goal. So, going forward you may not add links to the Resource or Reference sections that will profit you financially when people use them, even if the link is relevant to the article. If you have been using affiliate links in the past you do not have to worry about being penalized for it. This is a new rule and we will only be enforcing it going forward for all eHow content."

    Hope that helps! I am disappointed by the new rule as well, but I know that eHow is just trying to better their site. I still have hope that the kinks from the UK site will work themselves out too.



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