Saturday, September 25, 2010

You Are What You Read

As a continuation of my post, 'Helpful Resources for Freelance Writers' I'd like to mention another writing book I recommend. Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg is a quick, insightful read writing and life.

In her book, Goldberg takes her readers inside her own process and outlook on writing, encouraging writers to develop their own practice and make it a seamless part of their own life. Although I don't agree with all her personal views on writing, I found her book to be motivating and thought provoking.

As a writer, you should always been searching for new books to read, because as a wise person once said, 'You are what you read'. It is impossible to become a good writer without first reading good writing. Carefully evaluate the books you do (or don't!) read each month, and make it a habit and goal to keep fresh books on the end tables. Your writing will thank you for it.

What are some of your favorite books on writing? What are you reading now?


  1. I'm reading the Four-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. I highly recommend it if you haven't had a chance to read it yet!

  2. Hands down my all time favorite is "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lammott. She is funny and encouraging, a perfect combination.

    I also loved Stephen King's book on writing. It is almost a memoir, but he has wonderful things to say about the writing process.

    I haven't read either one in a long time. Looks like it is is time for re-reading. :)



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